Monday, June 27, 2011

Gig Reading assignment 1

1)  For three of your chosen case studies, please identify the true color and 2 Myers Briggs Personality traits you feel the main character encompasses and give an example from each case study to support your answer.

Crime Scene Cleaner, Neal Smither (pg 96)
     Orange. ESTJ or ENTJ, but probably ESTJ. 
"I hound people, mercilessly. I get on people like stink. They're going to meet with me or they're going to tell me to fuck off" (pg 102). - ENTJ (forceful in presenting their ideas)
"...if I call you at two in the morning and tell you to go to work and you hesitate, that's it. Never mind. You're not working for me anymore. I hang up. I call my next rep. Because I'm under the gun. I don't give second chances" (pg 101-102).- ESTJ (organize projects and people to get things done, focus on getting results in the most efficient way possible; Decisive, quickly move to implement decisions)
"I have a goal and I have a plan to achieve the goal and if you're in my way, get out of the way" (pg 102). 
"...I don't make those mistakes. I can't afford to. I have a serious reputation to protect" (pg 100). - Green (a performer, competitor)

Research Biologist, Frank Fast (pg 215)
     Green. ISFP of ISPFJ. 
"I was kind of hard to handle. ... I didn't want to live in a bedroom - I wanted a jungle in my room" (pg 216). - Green (non-conformist)
"I'd rather live my own life independently, do what I do independently..." (218). - Green (live life by my own standards); ISFP (Like to have their own space and to work within their own time frame)
"I have to keep very extensive records" (217). - ISFPJ (thorough, painstaking, accurate)

Plastic Surgeon, Todd Wider (pg 630)
     Blue. INFP of INFJ
"But the more important reason was that her goals and desires were not realistic. Her aspirations were not grounded in reality. They were grounded in fantasyland. ... And I had to send her off" (pg 635). - INFHJ (want to understand what motivates people and are insightful about others)
"I do have a bit of a(n)...ethical problem with [performing elective cosmetic surgery]. ...Which is one of the reasons I like doing the reconstructive operations. And I do a lot of charity work" (pg 634). - INFP (want an external life that is congruent with their values)
I think Wider is a Blue because on pg 632 he speaks about his thesis on "a philosophical treatise on beauty". He speaks so eloquently of his thesis and about aesthetics and beauty, and it makes me think of Blue's description of being a poet, and of looking for meaning and significant in life.

2)  For three of your chosen case studies (different than those used in question #1), list 3 transferable skills each main character encompasses and give an example from each case study that supports your answer.

Chief Executive Office, Robert Devlin (pg 54)
"Conversely, if the company's not doing well, the CEO has to take the downside. And so in a sense there's probably a little bit more pressure with being CEO than with anything else" (pg 54). 
"As I view it, my number one responsibility is: How well are we performing for our shareholders?" (pg 55).
"...I do my fair share of grocery shopping and spending time with my family and, you know, as I always say - when I get up in the morning I put on my pants the same way as the guy that's going to the factory. You can't forget that" (pg 55).
"...these jobs are very demanding. They're serious jobs. I'm often working eighteen-hour days. I rarely get more than four or five hours a night of sleep. And the way I view it...these are seven-days-a-week, twenty-four-hours-a-day jobs" (pg 56).
     Team Work
"The biggest satisfaction for me is not the money, it's being able to develop and work with a team of good executive and then recognizing that what you do for the organization enhances value to your shareholders" (pg 57).

Food Stylist, Deborah Gordon (pg 255)
     Attention to detail
"I cut open each one, go through them, pick out each vegetable.... And then I pick the best carrots, the best broccoli, and so on, and I make this little serving of penne pasta - and that's what they shoot" (pg 256).
     Seeing the big picture
"It's all a lot of insanity over nothing..." (pg 258).
     Communication skills
Deborah talks about how "there's a lot of arguing. A lot of ego. You fight with everybody - everybody is in everybody else's face" (pg 258). That tells me that she probably needs to work on improving her communication skills (along with all the people she works with).

Homicide Detective, Monica Joyce Childs (pg 531)
     Ability to make people feel comfortable
"For some reason, I've been able to always get more confessions than anybody" (pg 532). "When I walk in there, I'm calm. I never curse 'em out. Never get angry with 'em. And I'm honest with them" (pg 533).
She has a technique of getting the suspect in a calmer state, and then coming in. 
"But we're not [superpeople]. We make mistakes. We're human beings. We do wrong things. Okay? And my feeling is, if a person's wrong, and they messed up, just admit they messed the fuck up!" (pag 536)
     Strength and integrity
"I did nothin' wrong, but they suspended me and they said I had to work in the commander's office. So I sued. ... I don't regret doin' what I did. I don't apologize for bein' me" (pg 538).

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