Thursday, July 14, 2011

Interview Strategy

Hannah Thrasher
Careers and Lifestyles
Thurs, July 14, 2011
Interview Strategy

    To prepare for an interview, I would buy and wear interview appropriate clothing, make myself appear well-groomed, bring an updated resume and reference list, and reflect on experiences I've had that I can draw on to answer whatever questions the interviewer may ask.
    If the interviewer(s) were to say to me, "Name your three biggest strengths and weaknesses", I would say that my biggest weaknesses are my physical limitations due to my auto immune disorder, that while I keep my work stuff quite organized, I struggle with keeping my home organized, and that I sometimes get intimidated by overbearing personalities. I would say that my biggest strengths are definitely my very strong communication (and thus people) skills (friendly, supportive, empathetic and respectful but assertive), and my positive, curious nature and passion for learning and understanding, and my flexible, adaptive and versatile work style.
    If the interviewers were to say, "We have 24 candidates, why should we choose you?", I would tell them that I work very well in groups but also have strong leadership skills, and that I am a great communicator and motivator and can get along with almost anyone. Also that I work well under pressure, am flexible and adaptable, and can quickly come up with solutions to unexpected problems. Finally, that I'm passionate about sound and want to learn as much as I can about it, and that I believe in the power of sound in visual media and how it brings a project to life and gives the project the power to stir something within the audience, and make them feel something.

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